SWG News
Light Pollution
posted Wednesday August 10, 2022
10:45 am
by SWG Webmaster
Electric lights have only been around for about 150 years. Since this time they have multiplied to where only 80 percent of Americans can see the Milky Way, once visible to all of humanity. Light pollution has been long ignored by society, other than astronomers, but it is an increasingly worsening problem that is also gaining more attention. Light pollution causes health problems in humans, detrimentally affects the entire animal kingdom from mammals to insects and fish, as well as plants, wastes energy, and has taken away our sense of awe we once had for the universe. In this talk Caroline covers the problem and what can be done about it.
SWG member Caroline ‘Siffy’ Torkildson is a board member of Starry Skies North, a chapter of the International Dark Sky Association, a life-long amateur astronomer, and loves to share her passion for astronomy and dark skies with the public, from volunteering at an observatory to dark sky festivals.
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