Your dues and donations to Society of Woman Geographers are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation. SWG’s EIN: 52-0936133.
Being elected to membership in the SWG is an honor recognizing both professional accomplishment in a wide range of disciplines contributing to geographic knowledge and experiences in international travel or expeditions. Member benefits, designed to foster non-competitive interdisciplinary collegiality, include:
Members of SWG may be characterized in several ways: They carry out research and field activities in their disciplines; they have developed specialized competence in a particular area; and/or they have made a demonstrable impact in their field and recorded their work in a permanent form — written, photographic, or artistic — that adds to the world's store of knowledge. They travel to study, research, or carry out other activities consistent with their regional or topical interest and they educate others about the world's geography and cultures. See page on Join Us for more information.
Student Members are full or part-time students with a demonstrated interest in geography or related fields at accredited colleges or universities.
After applying , members are elected to join SWG.
SWG has groups in Chicago, South Florida, New York, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. Members who do not live near a group are At-Large.
Scan the barcode above to pay your dues.